

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hello All...

Well I have finally created a blog, it is not the best one that you could find, but I think with time I will get there. This is all very exciting to me and I would like to find out more about blogging and "blog hopping" in the creative industry. I still have to fine tweak everything....phew lots to do. Any help will be appreciated. How do I add my facebook link etc and other gadgets. Chat later......


  1. Great start and I am proudly your first Follower. Just google Facebook Badge and follow steps to get the html code for your badge. Create a html gadget on your blog layout and paste tge code in there. Just ask if you need to know anything else.
    {I would love you to take part in my 600 Follower Give-away. Thank you so much if you have already entered and good luck.} Hugs Desíre {Doing Life}

  2. The Desire will try tomorrow. I am following your blog :)

  3. Well done, my friend, welcome to a wonderful new world, enjoy the journey
